See No Targets while trying to create an Android Virtual Device (AVD)

Writing by on Thursday, 30 of September , 2010 at 6:45 am

It is possible that you downloaded the Android SDK, have installed the Eclipse Plugin but have not run the “SDK Manager”

Either run

SDK Manager.exe

Or launch it through CLI

tools/android update sdk

That should download all the necessary components. Remember, it is quite a slow process.

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Category: Android

Export DISPLAY on CentOS

Writing by on Wednesday, 29 of September , 2010 at 4:41 pm

One of the pain points with UNIX is that there are several flavors of Linux and several flavors of Shells. Things that work one way on Solaris (CSH) may not work with CentOS (BASH) or Ubuntu (tcsh).  After major struggle and after several trials-and-errors, I figured how a simple thing like exporting display can be so painful if you don’t know how it works.

On the CentOS box where you want to see the DISPLAY (pretty standard)

xhost +

Then simply ssh -X to the remote host and you should be all set: (This is the trick)

ssh -X user@remotehost
xclock &

That’s it folks! Remember to use the -X option with SSH.

Don’t mess with export DISPLAY=SOURCEIP:0.0. This will cause you MAJOR GRIEF.

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Category: Linux

GoodBye Xmarks (Sad to see you go)

Writing by on Monday, 27 of September , 2010 at 9:57 pm

XMarks announced today on their blog that they will be shutting down. Such a great product and no one’s funding them or buying them out?

XMarks allowed sync-ing Bookmarks, passwords and history across multiple computers and cross browsers. Firefox and Chrome have their own plugins but are not inter-opearble. XMarks was a MUST HAVE plugin and I used it all the time.

It has been one of the top Firefox plugins for such a long time. It’s free – which is why they had such a huge user base, but the business model of ads didn’t work out. All good things come to an end and this one must too!

Wish them the best and I do hope they don’t shut down!

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Category: Rants/Raves

List or describe changelists in Perforce

Writing by on Monday, 27 of September , 2010 at 9:17 am

Sometimes you might need to search submitted changelists for a checkin a user might have made, but don’t remember the Bug or Issue number.

p4 changes -l -u username -m 100

For detailed information you can visit the Perforce Documentation for p4 changes.

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Category: Perforce

Backlight on Dell Laptop Keyboard Doesn’t Turn On

Writing by on Monday, 27 of September , 2010 at 6:54 am

If your Dell Laptop has a backlit keyboard and suddenly doesn’t get illuminated anymore, then it’s probably a setting you need to turn on.

Unless you have customized your Shortcuts, Fn + F7 should bring up the Dell Control Point. You will need to have the Dell Device Control Point driver installed.

Fn + F7

Then browse to System and Devices -> System Features -> Keyboard backlight is set to Enabled/Disabled. Use the Toggle button to change it.

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Category: Tips and Tricks

Colbert talks to Google CEO Eric Schmidt

Writing by on Wednesday, 22 of September , 2010 at 10:56 am

This is really funny! Google CEO Eric Schmidt appeared on The Colbert Report last night . An entertaining discussion on why Google pulled out of China, privacy laws, some page rank algorithms.

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Category: Interview

Shivdev Kalambi's Blog

Shivdev Kalambi is a Software Development Manager, previously a Principal Software Engineer at ArcSight/HP. With over 16 years' experience in software development, he's worked on several technologies and played different roles and contributed to all phases of projects. Non-tech activies include Ping-pong, Rock Climbing and Yoga at PG, Golf, Skiing, Swimming & a beer enthusiast.