Writing by shivdev on Monday, 27 of October , 2014 at 4:18 am
I’m not sure why this is not a default option, but if you want to show Date and Time in the Menu Bar on a Mac, then you you will need to set that in your System Preferences.
System Preferences –> Date & Time (Select Clock) –> Check Show date
Here’s a screenshot.
Category: Apple,Tips and Tricks
Writing by shivdev on Wednesday, 22 of October , 2014 at 6:14 pm
You can find enough documentation online and edoceo is a good resource. But the basics of setting up Syslog-NG are as follows.
Setup and configure the Host Machine where you will receive the syslog messages.
# 1. Install syslog-ng
$ sudo apt-get install syslog-ng
# 2. Backup the config file syslog-ng.conf
$ sudo cp /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf.orig
# 3. Edit the config file
$ sudo vi /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf
# 4. Create a Source, a Destination and bind them together through Log
# Add these in the relevant sections
source s_net { udp(ip(“”) port(514)); tcp(); };
destination d_somedest { file(“/var/log/somedest.log”); };
log { source ( s_net ); destination ( d_somedest ); };
# 5. Restart syslog-ng
$ sudo service syslog-ng restart
When you configure your Appliance to forward syslog to your Host, you will see the logs in “/var/log/somedest.log”.
Category: Linux
Writing by shivdev on Wednesday, 22 of October , 2014 at 5:25 pm
I wanted to create change the prompt to show the active git branch through an alias.
Changing PS1 as follows would do it as follows:
# Try this in bash to get the git prompt, but how do you alias this?
PS1='[\u@\h \W$(__git_ps1 ” (%s)”)]\$
However I needed to create an alias for it and turns out that if you wanted to escape a single quote ‘ you could do it using the following: ‘”‘”‘
# Note here that the entire aliased string needs to be escaped using a quote
alias ingit=’PS1='”‘”‘[\u@\h \W$(__git_ps1 ” (%s)”)]\$'”‘””
Now I can activate the git prompt that I need through an alias that contains a combination of single and double quotes.
Now !!! I wanted to change the IP Address of my DHCP vm in the /etc/hosts file. (Related sed Article)
# something that works
$ sed -i ” ‘s/^192.168.*vm/ vm/’ /etc/hosts
# i would like to do something like this
$ setvmip
# so the escaped version is
alias setvmip=’function _setvmip(){ sudo sed -i “” ‘”‘”‘s/^192.168.*vm/'”‘”‘$@'”‘”‘ vm/'”‘”‘ /etc/hosts ; }; _setvmip’
Category: Linux
Writing by shivdev on Thursday, 9 of October , 2014 at 5:54 pm
If you’re trying to use the –exec option and need to pass in arguments, then you would need to use — to let –exec know that these are arguments to the script that needs to be executed.
# No arguments passed to test.py
exec start-stop-daemon –start –exec python test.py
# Arguments (-i $PARAM) passed to test.py
exec start-stop-daemon –start –exec python test.py — -i $PARAM
Category: Linux,Python
Writing by shivdev on Wednesday, 1 of October , 2014 at 3:52 am
We have a bunch of Python (2.7) virtual environments and I needed a way to figure out a way to list modules installed by pip within the context of that venv and then grep for a particular one. I’m not a super Python expert at this time, but wrote up a small script to list this.
Here’s a python script:
# pip_installed_modules.py
import pip
def main():
modules = pip.get_installed_distributions()
for m in modules:
print m
if __name__ == "__main__":
Here’s my alias:
alias pipmodules=’python ~/bin/pip_installed_modules.py’
Now I can simply grep for specific modules or just see the installed modules.
Category: Python