Writing by shivdev on Monday, 17 of December , 2012 at 6:08 am
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Category: Linux
Writing by shivdev on Saturday, 15 of December , 2012 at 5:11 pm
Yeah, this is a tricky one. Is ResultSetMetaData.getColumnName(column) not returning the aliased column?
The simplest way to fix it to use ResultSetMetaData.getColumnLabel(column) which is apparently the “JDBC compliant” way of getting it.
I found the answer on this thread: Bug #43684: JDBC Metadata ColumnName Name is incorrect if using field alias
So, let’s look at this example.
-- Extremely Simplified Top N style nested SQL with aliasing
-- say "Name" and "Score" are two columns in the table "Scores"
-- With this type of SQL, I want to show there's no way to get to them
SELECT t.column1 "Name Alias", t.column2 "Score Alias" -- alias them back
(SELECT name "column1", AVG(score) "column2" -- temporary alias
FROM scores
Now if you look at the following Java Code Snippet
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlQueryShownAbove);
ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
String firstColumnName = rsmd.getColumnName(1); // returns "column1"
String firstColumnLabel = rsmd.getColumnLabel(1); // returns "Name Alias"
Well, it’s an API thing. The MySQL JDBC driver has ensured that you can get to the Original Column Name (getColumnName) as well as the Aliased Column Name (getColumnLabel) and has left it to you to select what you need. Just that – it’s not obvious. However in the above example, we’re not getting the Original Column Name at all, but that is because in this case a temporary table was created in the inner SQL which was aliasing the “real” original columns thereby making them the original columns of the temporary table.
In my case, the tricky part was that I was sending the ResultSet to a 3rd party library, which after decompiling seemed to use getColumnName(column). BOOM !!! hack hack hack away
Luckily I had a method in the 3rd party library to override the column labels (PHEW).
But if getColumnLabel not an option as it could have been in my case, you could also try to set ?useOldAliasMetadataBehavior=true in the JDBC connection URL as documented in the MySQL JDBC URL Format.
Here’s the source for com.mysql.jdbc.ResultSetMetaData. Look for the getColumnName(int column) and getColumnLabe(int column) implementations.
Personally, I would have expected or liked to see getOriginalColumnName to get the original column name, but that of course is another discussion.
Category: Java,SQL DB