Writing by shivdev on Wednesday, 27 of July , 2011 at 9:19 pm
After upgrading to WordPress to 3.2 all hell broke lose! I wasn’t able to even see the blog …
Your server is running PHP version 4.4.9 but WordPress 3.2 requires at least 5.2.4.
So I went ahead called my hosting provider and upgraded PHP and was able to see the blog but couldn’t add/update new posts…
You cannot update because WordPress 3.2 requires MySQL version 5.0 or higher.
Don’t Panic (These 5 steps worked for me and will probably get you past your little hurdle).
- Backup your database (This is probably a MySQL 4.x database)
- If you don’t know which database then
- Open up Path_To_WP_Blog/wp-config.php
- define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘jb007’); // The name of the database
- define(‘DB_USER’, ‘jb007’); // Your MySQL username
- Create a new MySQL 5.0 database
- Note down credentials (Your hosting provider should have a way to get this for you)
- $hostname
- $dbname
- $username
- $password
- Restore the Backed up 4.x database on the new 5.x database
- Your hosting provider should have a way to get this for you
- Update the wp-config.php
- From the credentials you noted down in Step 2
- When you login to your admin, WordPress may require a further update which is a painless click of a button and then you should be good to go!
Category: Hosting/Web,Wordpress
Writing by shivdev on Monday, 5 of November , 2007 at 3:07 pm
Are you trying to enable RSS Feeds in WordPress and they don’t seem to work? You may have played around with the template files, default wordpress files and that most likely might have caused the problem. By default wordpress should be setup so that your RSS works correctly. Are you getting a message saying No input file specified.
Usually the format for the RSS Feed is of the form
Do not forget the / at the end – feed/. If you don’t have Permalinks, they are usually of the form
If the link seems correct, but you still can’t get it to work, go back to the original (default) theme and see what errors you get. Maybe some adsense or analytics javascript in the wrong place etc. Correct the errors and you should be able to get your RSS to work.
You might also want to refer to How to enable RSS feeds? and Create RSS Feeds on any web page
Category: Wordpress
Writing by shivdev on Tuesday, 30 of October , 2007 at 10:08 am
Want a quick way of adding Adsense to your content? And something real simple to use.
- Download & Install it into the wordpress wp-content/plugins folder
- Activate the plugin from admin page
- Go to Options Tab -> AdsenseDeluxe SubTab
- Add a New Adsense Block and then turn it on
- If your version complains about Cannot load adsense-deluxe.php follow the steps here
- In places where you need to put your ad just paste the following comment such as <!–adsense–>
Category: Wordpress
Writing by shivdev on Tuesday, 30 of October , 2007 at 9:57 am
So did you install adsense-deluxe-v0.8 recently, activated it successfully and end up with this error.
Cannot load adsense-deluxe.php
To fix this problem copy the adsense-deluxe.php file from the wp-content/plugins/adsense-deluxe_wp_plugin_v0.8 into the parent wp-content/plugins folder and then it’ll load great. I found the solution at on blog
Category: Wordpress
Writing by shivdev on Thursday, 25 of October , 2007 at 2:50 pm
Getting started with WordPress? OK – First thing install WordPress. Remember your credentials. You will need them to keep up with the blogging. Go to your http://website/wordpress_location and get familiar. Its very intuitive. Then download plugins to make your blogs colorful. I downloaded Google Syntax Highlighter Plugin and Google Code Prettifier and Activated them.
Just google for wordpress plugins, download whatever you like and install it. Installation is usually as simple as copying them into the wordpress_location/wp-content/plugins folder. Any FTP program would do the job. Then go to the plugins page on the Word Press control panel and Activate the plugin. Then, use the plugin according to its desired usage usually <pre class=”plugin”> … code …</pre> Thats it. So Start Blogging !!
You may also want to make your WordPress Blog Search-Engine-Friendly by reading this article. Unfortunately with godaddy and few other providers the permalink titles might not work because of their security protocols.
Category: Wordpress