Javascript Variables

Writing by on Thursday, 25 of October , 2007 at 4:46 pm

Remember, Javascript is not a strongly typed language. While using variables in Javascript, don’t bother about the type of data a variable is storing, instead what the variable is storing. These variables can store anything – even functions!! Here are some examples on using variables in Javascript.

var thisIsAString = 'This is a string';
var alsoAString = '25';
var isANumber = 25;
var isEqual = (alsoAString==isANumber);  // This is true, they are both 25.
var isEqual = (alsoAString===isANumber); // False one is a number,
                                         // the other a string.

var concat=alsoAString + isANumber;      // concat is now 2525
var addition=isANumber + isANumber;      // addition is now 50
var alsoANumber=3.05;     // is equal to 3.05 (usually).
var floatError=0.06+0.01; // is equal to 0.06999999999999999
var anExponent=1.23e+3;   // is equal to 1230

var hexadecimal = 0xff;   // is equal to 255.
var octal = 0377;         // is equal to 255.

var isTrue = true;   // This is a boolean, it can be true or false.
var isFalse= false;  // This is a boolean, it can be true or false

var isArray = [0, 'one', 2, 3, '4', 5]; // This is an array.
var four = isArray[4]; // assign a single array element to a variable.
                       // in this case four = '4'

var isObject = { 'color': 'blue',  // This is a Javascript object
                 'dog': 'bark',
                 'array': [0,1,2,3,4,5],
                 'myfunc': function () { alert('do something!'); }

var dog =;  // dog now stores the string 'bark';
isObject.myfunc();       // creates an alert box with the value "do something!"
var someFunction = function() {
                      return "I am a function!";
var alsoAFunction = someFunction; //No () so alsoAFunction becomes a function
var result = alsoAFunction(); // alsoAFunction is executed here because ()
                              // executes the function so result stores the
                              // return value of the function which is
                              // "I am a function!"

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Category: Javascript

Intro to WordPress!!

Writing by on Thursday, 25 of October , 2007 at 2:50 pm

Getting started with WordPress? OK – First thing install WordPress. Remember your credentials. You will need them to keep up with the blogging. Go to your http://website/wordpress_location and get familiar. Its very intuitive. Then download plugins to make your blogs colorful. I downloaded Google Syntax Highlighter Plugin and Google Code Prettifier and Activated them.

Just google for wordpress plugins, download whatever you like and install it. Installation is usually as simple as copying them into the wordpress_location/wp-content/plugins folder. Any FTP program would do the job. Then go to the plugins page on the Word Press control panel and Activate the plugin. Then, use the plugin according to its desired usage usually <pre class=”plugin”> … code …</pre> Thats it. So Start Blogging !!

You may also want to make your WordPress Blog Search-Engine-Friendly by reading this article. Unfortunately with godaddy and few other providers the permalink titles might not work because of their security protocols.

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Category: Wordpress

Shivdev Kalambi's Blog

Shivdev Kalambi is a Software Development Manager, previously a Principal Software Engineer at ArcSight/HP. With over 16 years' experience in software development, he's worked on several technologies and played different roles and contributed to all phases of projects. Non-tech activies include Ping-pong, Rock Climbing and Yoga at PG, Golf, Skiing, Swimming & a beer enthusiast.